Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A famous Australian animal!

Un gran saludo a mis amigos de El Villar! or, in Australian...A big Hello to my friends at El Villar
Is Alan's Spanish improving?
This week I have some photos of a famous Australian animal...those of you in Year 3 may remember Alan's Australian coins. Well, the 20 cent coin has a strange animal on it...remember?
It has webbed feet and a bill (mouth) like a duck, it lays eggs like a duck, has a flat tail like a beaver, makes a burrow like a rabbit, has very soft fur, and just loves the water.  It's a Platypus...remember?
Here are some more photos of this strange animal.


Do you think this animal is cute?


  1. hello alan , the platypus is very cool and the australian coins is very interesant. jaime greeting

  2. Perry the platypus! You see the cartoons of Phineas y Ferb?
    Agent P!

  3. Right on Lidia! Also, Syd the Platypus was one of three mascots for the Sydney Olympic "Sydney 2000 Mascots" and you should find out what he looks like.


  4. Teresa,
    The platypus is a semi-aqauatic mammal from the east side of Australia. It has a long scientific name "Ornithorhynchus anatinus". I wonder if Mercedes or Ana or Sandra can pronounce that for you?

  5. In Spanish, it's called "ornitorrinco", so the scientific name is not very difficult to pronounce. That word means it has a beak like a bird's.
    I think it's really cute, Alan!

  6. Thank you Mercedes. Alan has learned one more new thing.

  7. Alan can don mea description of the.

    THANK YOU!!!
