Saturday, November 16, 2013

Another strange animal!

Hello again my El Villar friends.
It does not seem to be three weeks since I last blogged, but it is.  I think I have been very busy.
Have you noticed how quickly time goes by when we are busy with our lives?  And how slowly it goes when we are bored?
I have another strange animal for you.
Not many Australian animals have been drawn in the cartoon world.  Nemo the fish is one. Nemo is the star of a Disney film.  The animal below is another.  Mercedes may have seen one, but maybe not!

Can you tell me what the name of the animal is, what part of Australia it lives in, and the name of the cartoon character which takes it's likeness.

I wonder if some students other than Lidia can answer the questions first?  Go on, you can do it!

Until next time,
