Monday, April 23, 2012

A famous Spanish Knight!

Sorry for not writing for so long, my friends.  My wife Coral and I have been very busy fixing a few medical problems. Coral had a little operation on her right knee, and I had a new lens put in my right eye. We are well now!
Do you know where you might find the statue in the photo?  Which city?
I found it interesting that you have a blog posting on Robin Hood...and that you went to the theatre to see a drama about Robin.
When I was in primary school, a long time ago, two famous actors appeared in a film titled El Cid, and the whole school was taken to the movie theatre to see the film.  I have had an interest in Don Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (El Cid Campeador) ever since. Do you know his legend?
I find it amazing that some 50 years after I first saw the story in film that I came to visit that part of Spain, Castilla y Leon, where history was created. Unfortunately, I did not get to visit Burgos....we will do that next time we visit Spain.

Have any of you seen the movie that I saw a long time ago?  Ask your teachers if they know the movie and the actors?  The male actor played Ben Hur, in the movie of the same name.

Coral and I hope that you had a pleasant Easter, and that you had an interesting school vacation.