Friday, August 22, 2014


Welcome back from holidays.  While you were away I did some research for something different, and also Australian. This is what I found...Migaloo (aboriginal for ''white fella") the white Hump Back Whale.

Every Spanish Summer, which is the Australian Winter, thousands of whales from Antarctica (a part of which belongs to Australia) migrate to the warm waters of Northern Australia, near Cairns and Port Douglas, to have their babies.  One of them is an albino or white whale that Australians have named Migaloo.  That's him doing a "breach" in the photo above.  The youtube video below shows you more.

As a result of this annual whale migration up and down the eastern Australian coast there is now a rather popular tourist activity called "whale watching".

Whales migrate from cold to warm water is other parts of the world besides Australia.  See if you can use Google to find out where, and maybe what types of whales are involved.  In Australia the Hump Back is very common, so too is the smaller Minke whale.

Until next time, have great fun researching and learning.


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