Sunday, June 3, 2012

Blue Mountain Parrots/Lorikeets

The Blue Mountain Lorikeet or Parrot has many names as it is found all around Aurstralia, not just in the Blue Mountains outside Sydney. In Toowoomba they are called Rainbow Lorikeets, probably because they have as many colours as a rainbow. They are very pretty!
These birds can become very friendly, especially if people put seed or acacia flowers out for them to feed on. Some Australians keep them as pets, and they can be trained to talk and do tricks.

If you would like to know more about this bird, go to this link and play the video too.

They are very noisy, aren't they?


  1. These birds are lovely, they really look like rainbows!

  2. See comment on Caves, below. Hope to see you soon.
