Monday, April 23, 2012

A famous Spanish Knight!

Sorry for not writing for so long, my friends.  My wife Coral and I have been very busy fixing a few medical problems. Coral had a little operation on her right knee, and I had a new lens put in my right eye. We are well now!
Do you know where you might find the statue in the photo?  Which city?
I found it interesting that you have a blog posting on Robin Hood...and that you went to the theatre to see a drama about Robin.
When I was in primary school, a long time ago, two famous actors appeared in a film titled El Cid, and the whole school was taken to the movie theatre to see the film.  I have had an interest in Don Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar (El Cid Campeador) ever since. Do you know his legend?
I find it amazing that some 50 years after I first saw the story in film that I came to visit that part of Spain, Castilla y Leon, where history was created. Unfortunately, I did not get to visit Burgos....we will do that next time we visit Spain.

Have any of you seen the movie that I saw a long time ago?  Ask your teachers if they know the movie and the actors?  The male actor played Ben Hur, in the movie of the same name.

Coral and I hope that you had a pleasant Easter, and that you had an interesting school vacation. 


  1. I now a lot of things about ''el cid''.
    It has a wife called ``Doña jimena´´ and two daughters
    (Elvira and Sol) and it has a horse (Babieca).
    When ``El cid´´ goes out from Cardeña, Doña Jimena waits them all of her days crying.
    Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar born in Vivar in one thousand
    and forty-three (located seven kilometers away Burgos)
    Son of Diego Laínez. It died in one thousand and
    ninety-nine in Valencia

  2. I have a book that it has all the information of all the story of Burgos;called ``Burgos from the A to the Z´´ and i have information too, from other famous characters,like the Tarasca and her parner, the Cachidiablo, the tetines,danzantes...
    And the days of San Lesmes,Corpus and Curpillos.
    Uff. What a two long comments.
    See you.

  3. Lidia, thank you very much for your comments. I now have more things to research about the city of Burgos and the characters of the province. You did well to write two long comments.

  4. The knight ''Mio Cid'', is my favourite character.
    And i know many things of Cid because my mother and my aunt born there, in Burgos.
    And now my aunt... Still lives there!
    I see that statue in direct many times!
