I see from my last post that no one knows this strange animal. Or were you too shy to try?
Well, the little animal is a Tasmanian Devil, and the cartoon character is TAZ. Have you heard of him?
What can you tell me about Tasmanian Devils? Where do they live, what do they eat, and so on.
Coral and I are travelling to London again soon, to see our son who is still teaching Math in London. To be different, we will be having Christmas Day, December 25, in Dubai. Do you know where that is?
We fly to London on December 27, and then after a week, we board a cruise ship Aurora to sail back to Australia. We are looking forward to sailing through the Panama Canal. Do you know what that is, and why it might be important.
We arrive back in Australia on February 18. I will blog some more when I get home.
I hope that you have a happy and holy Christmas, and that we might meet again some time in 2014.
Your good friend